97th Death Anniversary Of My Grand Uncle

A commenter on my TikTok 🎡 noticed this video of mine that I shared early last Summer.

It’s one of my very first grave cleanings that I captured and shared – tidying up the resting place of my Grand Uncle.

They brought to my attention with their comment that today 3/22/22 marks the 97th anniversary of his death πŸ₯€
Made me realize that he technically could be living his life today if things went differently for him.
97 is quite “up there” in age, but not an impossible achievement.

I obviously didn’t know him. His coming and going was way before my time.
However, this naturally makes me reminisce about the family members of his (that are obviously mine too) that I did have the pleasure of knowing and loving during my life so far – my Pap especially πŸ’™

In talks over the years – my Pap had a fond connection to my Grand Uncle, his short life, and his grave – even considering that he himself didn’t have the opportunity to meet or know him. I miss sharing stories with my Pap in the worst way right now…

They’ve all passed on over the last handful of years – but it’s kind of bittersweet knowing that my Grand Uncle, my Pap, their other siblings, and their parents are finally reunited as immediate family now πŸ’•

πŸ–€ memento mori πŸ–€